AGM Elections
The Executive Committee of the Association of Open University Graduates is democratically elected by its current membership. Each post can be held for a three year period and one third of the Executive Committee demit office each year in rotation in accordance with the regulations set out in the Memorandum and Articles and Standing Orders.
Posts due for election are advertised in the previous Winter’s OMEGA and full graduate members are invited to submit nominations. Ballot papers for postal voting are then supplied with the Spring edition of OMEGA.
When an elected member resigns before the end of their Term of Office or no candidate was nominated for election, then by-elections are also held, governed by the same regulations.
Elected or Co-opted members who currently serve on the Executive Committee hold the following positions:
Chairman: Derrick Franks (2021 – 2024)
Vice-Chairman: Jean Hertzog (2023 -2024) Co-opted
Treasurer: Margaret Stobirski (2021-2026)
Development Officer: Lesley Sleigh (2023 – 2026)
Executive Representative for Region 02: The South – Mark Albert (2023 – 2026)
Executive Representative for 04: – West Midlands – Mohammad Motawalla (2023 – 2026)
Executive Representative for Region 05: – East Midlands – Briony Dickinson (2022-2025)
Executive Representative for Region 09 – North – Violet Rook (2021-2024)
Executive Representative for Europe and the Rest of the World – Patricia Cowling (2023 – 2024) Co-opted
The Relevant reference relating to the cycle for election from Standing Orders is shown below:
1. In accordance with Resolutions passed at the 1998 AGM, the posts on the Executive Committee are divided into three groups as follows:
Group 1. Treasurer, Development Officer. Executive Representatives R02, R03 and R04
Group 2. Chairman, Publicity Officer. Executive Representatives R08, R09, N11, N12 and Europe and the Rest of the World
Group 3. Vice-Chairman. Executive Representatives R01, R05, R06, R07 and N10.
2. Starting with the 1999 Elections each of these three groups is elected in turn for a three year Term of Office, and this three year cycle then repeats until further notice. That is, Group 1 elected in 1999, Group 2 elected in 2000, Group 3 elected in 2001, Group 1 elected in 2002, and so on.
Thus the 2024 elections will be for Group 2 with By-Elections for any posts currently without a standing post holder in the other two groups. Ballot Papers will be distributed in the Spring 2024 edition of OMEGA to all full Members.