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Awards in the Regions and Nations

The AOUG offers Awards to graduates in the Regions and Nations who have gained their Degree while overcoming additional difficulties during the course of their studies. They must be nominated by another OU student, OU graduate or OU staff member, who knows of their difficulties. These Awards are advertised via OU Websites, through our Newsletters and via hand-outs at Degree Ceremonies. These Awards are presented locally.

AOUG Foundation for Education sponsors an annual Award in each of the Regions and Nations, which were first introduced in 1997. All recipients receive a framed certificate and a small monetary gift in recognition of their achievement.

Nominations for these Awards may be made by any graduate, student, or OU staff member. However a graduate may not self-nominate.

  • The criteria are set by a majority agreement of the Directors/Trustees.
    The recipient must be nominated for the Award.
  • The recipient must have gained their Open University degree at either ordinary level or honours level, within the presenting Region or Nation
  • The recipient’s Open University degree must be the first degree they have gained
  • The recipient must have overcome some adversity over and above that of the average student during their OU studies.

Presentations of Regions and Nations Awards take place in the recipient’s own Region or Nation either as a special AOUG Award ceremony or as part of another event. Occasionally at the request of the recipient, a private presentation is made.