Following a two year break due to the Covid pandemic, AOUG are pleased to announce the return of their previously annual Foundation Lecture. This year’s academic lecture will be presented by Cathy Baldwin, the recipient of the 2019 AOUG Bursary Award who has patiently waited three years to be able to talk to us. Cathy’s research was entitled, ‘Shakespeare for five year olds: the Children as Storytellers Project at Shakespeare’s Globe’ and was selected for the Bursary following an interview process by the AOUG Foundation for Education Trustees. Bursary Awards are only offered periodically but are funded from our own charity, the AOUG Foundation for Education which also offers the annual Research Awards as well as Awards for new OU graduates throughout the Regions and Nations who have gained their degrees despite extreme adversity over and above that of the average student. To learn more about any of these Awards, please contact the AOUG Office using
Cathy’s Lecture will be held at 2pm on Friday 7th October in the Christodoulou Building on The Open University campus, on the same day as the Research Awards Ceremony. All attendees for the Foundation Lecture are welcome to attend the Award Ceremony at 12 noon and to participate in the buffet lunch before the Lecture by purchasing a ticket for just £10 per person for the full event. Admission is by pre-purchased tickets only and these can be obtained from the AOUG Office, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA enclosing a cheque made out to ‘AOUG Foundation for Education’ and marked Foundation Lecture on the reverse. Please supply full name/s postal address and email address, along with details of any necessary dietary requirements. Directions and a campus map can be supplied on request.