About AOUG
The Association of Open University Graduates is an international organisation established by the OU and new Graduates in 1988. It is an independent organisation and an incorporated body under the Companies Acts, with a democratically elected Executive Committee comprising, where possible, five Officers and twelve Executive Representatives from each of what had traditionally been the University’s Regions and Nations. There is also an Executive Representative for members in Europe and the Rest of the World.
Although AOUG was set up for graduates of the OU who on joining become Full Graduate Members, we now welcome current students as Associate Members and friends and family members can also be nominated by an existing Full Graduate Member to be an Associate Member too.
Members meet regularly face-to-face and enjoy a wide variety of educational, social and outdoor events. However since the Covid Pandemic, members have also met virtually by Zoom and several areas now hold regular Zoom events to enable anyone to join in. Further information on all these events can be found in the Regions and Nations Diary Dates section. Three times a year each member receives the Association’s magazine OMEGA. This covers Open University issues, academic articles, items by, and about, graduates and in-depth News of the Regions and Nations. We warmly welcome new members and you can join online using our secure membership form.