
Donations to the AOUG charity allow AOUG to follow its aims of supporting our University, by offering Annual Awards to Research students in each of The Open University Faculties and also to new graduates in each of the thirteen Open University Regions and Nations.

We would like to encourage all AOUG members to support their own charity and thus to continue and expand the work that their Association does for The Open University.

Please Note:

AOUG do not make telephone calls or send out regular letters asking you to donate. You may see notices about donating in OMEGA.

Making a Donation
Single donations: Donations can be made as a single, one off, amount by sending a cheque made out to “AOUG Foundation for Education” to the AOUG Office.

Covenants allow the Association to plan ahead and ensure not only the continuation of our Charity but also to open new possibilities for expansion to enable us to help even more OU graduates and OU research students.

Covenants can be made by downloading and completing the covenant form and returning it to the AOUG Office.

Covenants can be made for any number of years and for any amount.
An average example would be for £10 to be covenanted for each of the next 10 years.

Gift Aid: If you do choose to donate, and are a UK tax payer, then we would ask you also to download, and complete, a Gift Aid form as this enables AOUG to claim back tax and thus gain a larger usable donation.

Legacies: Some AOUG members also choose to remember the Association of Open University Graduates, Foundation for Education (Charity number:1042307) in their will.

This can be easily organised by ensuring our charity name, number and office address, are recorded in full and the amount, or percentage, you wish to leave also stated clearly. For up to date Government regulations, we would advise you to always consult a solicitor.