Annual New Year Lunch – 07 – York

Novotel Hotel Fishergate, York

Saturday 8th February. 12.30pm Meet for our annual meal at the Novotel Hotel, Fishergate, York, YO10 4FD ready for our lunch at 1pm. As it is essential to book with the hotel in advance, please contact the organiser, Derrick Franks, before Christmas so that he can book the appropriate numbers. He will then supply you with the menu in the New Year for you to inform him of your choices.

Zoom Book Club – 03

Your own home , United Kingdom

Zoom Book Club - Join Region 03 South West members to discuss the book of the month/ February 11th    The Bhutto Dynasty – Owen Bennett-Jones Please contact the Local Contact, Liz Ashcroft, by the end of January to arrange for the logo on details to be sent to you.

National Motor Museum – 02 – Hampshire

National Motor Museum, Beaulieu New Forrest, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Wednesday 12th February.  10.30am Meet in the car park of the National Motor Museum, Beaulieu, New Forest, Hampshire, SO42 7ZN, to visit not only the Museum of two hundred and eighty cars, but also Palace House (for a glimpse into what it was like in the Victorian era), and the remains of Beaulieu Abbey. We will lunch in the Brabazon Restaurant. You are strongly advised to pre-purchase tickets on line ( from early January 2025.There is no public transport in the Winter months.  

Coffee Morning – 06 – St Albans

St Albans museum and gallery Market Place St Peters Street, St Albans, United Kingdom

Thursday 13th February.  11am Meet for coffee in the coffee shop at St. Albans Museum and Gallery, Market Place, St. Peter’s Street, St. Albans, AL3 5DJ. There is likely to be a free, temporary exhibition but details are not available this far in advance.

Tudor Manor House Visit – 05

Holme Pierrepont Hall and Gardens Holme Pierrepont Hall

Thursday 20th February.  11am Meet at the entrance to Holme Pierrepont Hall and Gardens, NG12 2LD – this Grade 1 listed Tudor Manor House dating from c1500 - to tour the gardens and, for those who wish, the house will be open. Admission is £6.00 for garden only or £14.00 for house and gardens, the website says Cash only, (Historic Houses Members are free).

Zoom Coffee Morning – 07

Your own home , United Kingdom

Thursday 20th February. 11am Meet online for a chat with other Yorkshire members. Contact Jean Hertzog by 10th February for adding to the log on details list.

Ashmolean Museum – 02 – Oxford

Ashmolean Museum Beaumont Street, Oxford, United Kingdom

Thursday 20th February.  12noon Meet at the entrance to the Ashmolean Museum, Beaumont Street, Oxford, OX1 2PH. We will grab a coffee at the café and then there will be a full 2 hours exploration and a late Lunch at the Four Candles (Wetherspoons) Pub on George Street.

Chester Museums – 08

Grosvenor Museum 27 Grosvenor Street, Chester, United Kingdom

Saturday 22nd February.  11am Meet in the Café of the Grosvenor Museum, 27 Grosvenor Street, Chester, CH1 2DD before enjoying a visit to the first of two museums we are visiting in Chester. It tells the story of Chester from pre-history to the present day. The museum has particularly strong collections of material relating to Roman life in Chester, including an internationally important collection of Roman tombstones which were found in the 19th century having been reused in the city walls. The museum also contains an art gallery with very fine painting and sculpture by regional artists with landscapes of Cheshire and North Wales. On the same day after lunch we are visiting Sick to Death, The Gory Story of medicine through time, St Michael’s Church, Bridge Street Row East, CH1 1NW. Sick to Death offers the history of medicine in a museum and family attraction in Chester City Centre - located on the city's famous Rows. This is a playground of plague with a smatter of splatter and a chance to poke into the medical past. This attraction costs £7 entry fee and it suggests taking an hour. You can of course give this a miss and walk around the curtain […]

Zoom Coffee Morning – 10

Your own home , United Kingdom

Thursday 27th February. 11am Meet online with other Welsh members to chat about anything of mutual interest. Please contact the organiser, Jean Hertzog, by 17th February to be included on the log on details list.

International Zoom – All areas

Your own home , United Kingdom

Saturday 1st March.  11am Meet with Jean Hertzog, the Vice-Chairman online to chat. This is an International Zoom offering a chance to join in an informal discussion with members from all Regions and Nations. The topic for March will be ‘As mad as a March Hare’ – What strange things have you done in your life or have seen, that others might consider to be ‘mad’? Contact Jean by 22nd February for her to arrange to send you the log on details.

Sheffield Cathedral and Millenium Galleries – 07

Sheffield Cathedral Church Street, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Saturday 8th March. 11am Meet in the Sheffield Cathedral 1554 Café, Sheffield Cathedral, Church Street, Sheffield S1 1HA for coffee prior the viewing the Cathedral itself. Enter through the Cathedral porch and turn to the right crossing straight across the Cathedral nave and you will find the 1554 Café opposite. Jean Hertzog will be there to greet you with a copy of OMEGA on the table. After exploring the Cathedral, take a short walk to the Sheffield Millenium Galleries Café for lunch and then a chance to browse the many exhibits. Those using public transport from other towns are advised to alight at Sheffield Meadowhall Train or Bus Station and then take the tram which stops right outside the Cathedral entrance - thus, saving the uphill walk from the main Sheffield stations.

Zoom Book Club – 03

Your own home , United Kingdom

Zoom Book Club Join South West members to discuss the book of the month. Please contact the Local Contact. Liz Ashcroft, before the end of February to be added to the list to receive the log on details. March 11th         Resurrection Walk – Michael Connolly